• Committed to value, reliability, service, and professionalism.
  • 0414 154 001


​"I was pleasantly surprised when I engaged Jack to take charge of photography for one of my flagship listings. When selling property, photography is the most important component, and Jack is absolutely meticulous in all he does. I now engage Jack for most of my projects, for the simple reason that he is reliable, enthusiastic and efficient. Jack takes great care in all he does, and at the end of the day, it's his commitment to the job at hand that I love. No task is too great, and I would have no problem in recommending Jack to any agent."

- Nicholas GivenLicensed Real Estate Agent, ​Ray White New Farm 
Email: nick.given@raywhite.com
Visit Profile: http://rwnf.com.au/agent/nicholas-given/

"It is a pleasure to provide a testimonial for Jack Rolley whose photography services we have been utilising for our agency’s rental properties.  Jack’s photographic skills are of an extremely high standard and he is reliable and great to deal with.  I have no hesitation in recommending his services to other clients and look forward to Jack’s great photographs assisting our agency in locating great tenants for our properties. "
- Toni Jorgenson,  Department Manager,  Havig & Jackson Real Estate
Email:  toni@hjre.com.au
Visit Profile: 

"Phillip Murray and I have worked with Jack Rolley for several years now and have always found Jack to be someone who will “go the extra mile” when it is required.  Some sellers can be quite pedantic and Jack responds to every request, no matter how big or small, with a smile and a “can do” attitude.  We have had many situations where furniture has needed to be moved – sometimes quite heavy furniture, and once again Jack jumps in and does whatever is needed.  The quality of his photography and floor plans is second to none and therefore we have no hesitation in highly recommending Jack both professionally... and now personally since we have come to know him."

- Sharon Farquhar,  Licensed Real Estate Agent,  Harcourts Clayfield
Email:  sharon.farquhar@harcourts.com.au
- Phillip Murray,  Principal,  Harcourts Clayfield
Email:  phillip.murray@harcourts.com.au
Visit Profile: 

"Rolley Photo Media has been an asset to have for all our properties that we have put to the market. Jack and the team is always contactable and really goes the extra mile for our clients and us agents alike. We have received amazing feedback from buyers, happy with the true photos and with sellers, receiving prices above expectation and some that are record prices also. We find that the better the photos, the larger amount of buyers enquire bringing higher prices through competition. Rolley Photo Media really helps achieve this."
- James Dickson,  Licensed Real Estate Agent,  Harcourts Connections, Stafford
Email: james.dickson@harcourts.com.au
Visit Profile:  http://connections.harcourts.com.au 

"I have employed many photographers in the past eight years.  Some cut it, most don’t.  Some stay around for a little while, others move on.  Jack has been around the traps for a while and really knows his stuff.  Not only the basics that anyone with the latest and greatest camera can try to do, but he has a great understanding of the many aspects that differentiate between a good photo shoot and a photo shoot that makes the home seller ring you up and tell you that they can’t believe how good the photos are! His floor plans are excellent as well. 
I’d have no trouble recommencing Jack to any agent or vendor."
- Phil McGrath,  Principle, Impact Property  
Email:  phil@impactproperty.com.au
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Book your photography shoot today, phone 0414 154 001

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